Posts with the tag Frontend:

[Frontend] (en) How to divide Layout in Thymeleaf

Handles dividing layout in thymeleaf. Index Trouble with not dividend html layout Divide layout Outro Trouble with not dividend html layout How do I feel about not divide html layout. Suffocating with 2000 line! At first, I didn’t know the importance about splitting html and making layout. But when I saw 2000 line html files with so many duplicated code (mostly nav, header, side-bar) I felt like I should change my mind. In my opinion, the good things about such work are … Pros in dividend html layout I don’t have to rewrite every header, footer, side-bar (AKA general frame

[Frontend] (en) How to implement drag and drop?

Implement drag and drop to upload file. Index Intro Implement Drag and Drop Intro Upload file with more action! Few days ago, I had to make a function that is about taking excel file from client side and reading it to save to our database. I usually go as simple as possible in terms of HTML/CSS, but this time I did some research and work! Instead of using basic file chose button, dragging a file and dropping in to a box. I was very happy when finishing these process because I thought it’s quite user friendly interface. [Picture 1] Drag and Drop Implement Drag and Drop HTML <div class="file-upload"> <button class="file-upload-btn" type="button" onclick="$('.