Posts with the tag Backend:

[Class] 스프링 입문 - 코드로 배우는 스프링 부트, 웹 MVC, DB 접근 기술

스프링 입문 - 코드로 배우는 스프링 부트, 웹 MVC, DB 접근 기술 강의를 들의며 정리한 노트를 포스팅한다. Index session 1 라이브러리 session 2 View 환경설정 session 3 빌드 session 4 정적 컨텐츠 session 5 MVC와 템플릿 엔진 session 6 API session 7 비즈니스 요구사항 정리 session 8 회원 도

[Class] [예제로 배우는 스프링 입문] IoC, AOP, PSA 기초

예제로 배우는 스프링 입문 강의를 들으며 작성한 노트를 정리한다. Index Intro: 나와 Spring의 관계, 이대로 괜찮은가? 스프링 IoC 스프링 AOP 스프링 PSA Intro: 나와 Spring의 관계, 이대로 괜찮은가? Spring을 쓰기 시작하면서 개발자

[Backend] (en) Test Spring Boot with Junit5

Test Spring boot with Junit5: Repository test, service test, controller test, integration test. Index Why unit test? Implement unit test Why unit test? Making test code is always big burden for me. No time for writing test code, and also don’t know how. What is @SpringBootTest and Junit? The main point of making test code has to be united! Do not test whole flow! TBH I’ve usually done test e2e way. I thought test with spring boot test code is so heavy that I have to wait for server reload a lot. And now I know it happened because I

[Backend] (en) Load static/dynamic resource Spring Jar

Handles how to load static or dynamic resource in Spring jar: ClassPathResource, ResourceLoader. Index How to load static/dynamic resource in Spring jar Fun fact How to load static/dynamic resource in Spring jar First case: Static resource Roughly 4 months age, I was assigned to make function with excel. It was like this. I had made a template excel in advance and my colleagues downloaded it and filled it. After that, I read it and inserted data to database. Point of static resource I have to make and save file before deploying. (making jar file) Never got changed, because it’s a template!

[Backend] (en) How to deal with SQL exception in Spring boot

Handles SQL Exception in Spring boot: Checked exception, unchecked exception, Index Exception in Java Handle SQL Exception Reference Exception in Java A week ago, I felt maybe I need to adjust exception of sql. At that time, I just used try-catch with Exception and print stacktrace for backend, passed some certain value to let front know something went wrong with request. I’ve never went deep down to Exception and how to handle, so let’s first check what kind of Exception java has. Exception hierarchy [Picture 1] Java Exception Java use Throwable type when something goes wrong. The highest type Throwable