• [Java] Java Stream/Map/List cheat sheet for myself

    Map computeIfPresent - update value with more style Map<String, Integer> test = new HashMap<>(); test.computeIfPresent("Me", (k, v) -> v + 1); computeIfAbsent - put k, v when the key is not there test.computeIfAbsent("Sister", k -> 25); Once, I wanted to use computeIfPresent and computeIfAbsent at once. My intend was (1)...

  • [Git] Git cheat sheet for myself (On-Going)

    git tag make annotated tag git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "leave message here for tag" git log git log option # show log with one line git log --oneline # show log with graph tree git log --graph # show log with both git log --oneline --graph git diff compare...

  • [Java] Exception and SQL Exception

    [Spring] Mybatis Exception Handling A week ago, I felt maybe I need to adjust exception of sql. At that time, I just used try-catch with Exception and print stacktrace for backend, passed some certain value to let front know something went wrong with request. I’ve never went deep down to...

  • [Git] Making forked repo to standalone repo

    It’s been a graceful four days since starting one day one commit project. But something weird happen with yesterday commit data. I certainly updated a repo for github.io. I could see the record of it in the repo. However the commit wasn’t recording in the contribution table in overview page....