Why many developers love Docker so much?

I had wondered why many developers love docker so much for awhile. A few days ago, I got a chance to install docker in my conpany’s test server. The thing is that we have shiny server written in R in the test server. I still remember I had to be though install a bunch of library to exec shiny server and in installing process, our server even stop because of lack of CPU and memory. So for me, it’s like nightmare to make infra for shiny-server.

And few month later, we have to move our server (on aws) to bigger one. It means I have to get shiny to the new server too. Finally I decided using docker for this. Here is what I had been though running shiny in docker. Furthermore, now I can answer the question. It’s all about convenience. What make docker so special is that it make server just a program run by code. Writing code (dockerfile) and run it to have an image. The image is program to run server. In addition, we can use this image in any other host server.

In terms of sharing, there is Docker hub which is docker version of git hub. When I make an image with Dockerfile, then push to my Docker hub. After that, I can pull it in other host. No need to write Dockerfile nor run Dockerfile to make an image. I can use the pulled image right away. I can say I saved a lot of time with making one. Making image in my localhost which prevent stopping the test server because of installing a tons of R library.

Docker make server infra as a code and we can share anywhere!

Making Shiny Docker

The full structure blueprint


FROM rocker/shiny:3.6.3

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    sudo \
    gdebi-core \
    pandoc \
    pandoc-citeproc \
    libcurl4-gnutls-dev \
    libcairo2-dev \
	# normal libmysqlclient-dev does not work 
    default-libmysqlclient-dev \
    libsodium-dev \
    libxt-dev \
    xtail \

# package install
# sodium error
RUN sudo R -e "install.packages('sodium')"
# Download and install library
RUN sudo R -e "install.packages(c('shinydashboard', 'shinyjs', 'V8'))"

# lib in ui.R
RUN sudo R -e "install.packages(c('shiny', 'lubridate'))"
# lib in server.R
RUN sudo R -e "install.packages(c('RMySQL', 'DBI', 'ggplot2', 'scales', 'doBy', 'gridExtra', 'dplyr', 'DT'))"

#COPY ./app_by_r /srv/shiny-server

RUN chmod -R +r /srv/shiny-server

CMD ["/usr/bin/shiny-server.sh"]

So, this is Dockerfile for my shiny-server. In FROM, we can chose base env for a container we are building. It could be ununtu, centos and even not just server, but server with installation, ubuntu + R for example. At first I went for R base baisc container, but it didn’t work out. To save time, I decided to use other people’s docker images. FROM rocker/shiny:3.6.3, it contains basic linux + R + shiny-server.

Now all we have to do are installing linux package to make proper shiny base server and library we used in the project code. In EXPOSE command, it does not mean this container expose its 3838 to outside. It’s more like telling me they will be exposed when running docker with -p options.

As you can see, I tried to build image with the source code just like all in one package. In the last part of Dockerfile, it will copy the source code dir in host and run it in the container. What if this is not complete project and we will change the code many time? With this Dockerfile, we have to make a new image everytime to make updated image. Without doubt, it will take a lot of time. To avoid this problem, I choose mount option.

# build docker image with Dockerfile 
# Let's say we are in the dir which contains Dockerfile 

# make image with name:tag
docker build shiny_try:0.2 .

# check our image is maded
docker images 

# run docker with the image 
# --volume="local_dir_path:container_dir_path
docker run -dp 3838:3838 --volume="/srv/shiny-server:/srv/shiny-server" shiny_try:0.2

# check docker is running 
docker ps 

# see log from running docker container 
docker logs docker_name 

# connect to inside of runnign docker container with bash 
docker exec -it docker_name

Docker options

  • -d : run it in background
  • -p : expose port. (host port:container port)
  • -it : make interactive console to control docker container
  • —rm : remove this docker process when it gets stopped

Working with docker hub

I was surprised that I have to match docker image name with my docker repository name if I want to push the image to the repo. So, I had to change the image name first.

# change docker image name 
docker tag shiny_try:0.1 absinthe4902/shiny_try:0.1 

# login to docker hub 
docker login 

# push the image 
docker push absinthe4902/shiny_try:0.1

# when pulling repo
docker pull absinthe4902/shiny_try:0.1 

And Everything is done! Now we can see the shiny docker container is running in host machine. Finally all we have to do is configure nginx to let the docker container get request when client send a request to host machine. This is noraml way to run docker container.

Docker network 1. container-host 2. container-container

Sadly, this is not finished… I did something wrong during the progess. It was very small mistake. I think I missed exposing/connectiong docker conatiner port to host port. To sloved this, I just added -p options. Before this. I had to search about Docker network. I was quite confused the meaning of bridge, so I searched the concept first.

NAT and bridge in Virtual machine

I understood the concept in this blog post [nat and bridge]

NAT : getting ip from host

Bridge: getting ip from Router

So basically, when I work with nat, my virtual machine get one more depth. In the other hand, bridge makes the virtual machine have the same depth as host, I can see the same subnet between host and virtual machine.

Using NAT, the virtual machine’s router is host. It let us control access and see deep down level of traffic ake Ip packets and Tcp datagrams.

Using Bridge, the virtual machine does nothing with host. Host still see the traffic but it’s not specific. Only Ethernet level.

Have a little look with Docker network structure


In Docker container, there are individual network namespace. It will have their own Ip as well. Before exposing port, this normal conatiner is not available from outside of host. (can work inside of host). With -d options, we expose our 3838 port. Let’s see what happen.

# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED      STATUS      PORTS                    NAMES
307b38f4fd3c   absinthe4902/all-new:0.6   "/usr/bin/shiny-serv…"   5 days ago   Up 5 days>3838/tcp   jolly_bassi

# ps -ef | grep docker-proxy
root     17106 26073  0  1월26 ?      00:00:00 /usr/bin/docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip -host-port 3838 -container-ip -container-port 3838
sw       20374 15675  0 12:42 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto docker-proxy

There is a secret agent with docker network, docker-proxy!

When exposing 3838 port, we will see our 3838 port is active, and secretly docker proxy is listening 3838 port! Docker proxy is the one who pass the request from host to docker container. Each exposed container have one Docker proxy. It’s like this flow. Client → host → Docker proxy (kind of intercept) → docker0 (docker inner network bridge) → container. Without docker proxy, the request bind by host 3838 cannot be passed to container 3838.

# sudo iptables -t nat -L -n
target     prot opt source               destination
DOCKER     all  --              ADDRTYPE match dst                                  -type LOCAL

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
DOCKER     all  --           !          ADDRTYPE match dst                                  -type LOCAL

target     prot opt source               destination
MASQUERADE  tcp  --            tcp dpt:3838

Chain DOCKER (2 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
RETURN     all  --  
DNAT       tcp  --              tcp dpt:3838 to:

BUT! Actually, iptables do this work instead of docker proxy. In some kind of special situations, we cannot depend on iptables and we should use docker proxy. So it’s more like backup. As I said, in speical occasion, we have no choice using docker proxy. However, this proxy needs a bit of resource and it can be disable as well. It depends on server status and our decision.

Now I have a feeling, I had a huge confusion of docker network. I thought docker with host which is actucally network between host and docker. If I want to dig container-container network, I should read Docker official document. [docker network]

Referrence of container - host network

Recommand reading ‘deep down of docker’ one day for myself. It’s post about deep inside of docker and I might understand how docker work in linux level.